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ESI's Flange Tool Rentals and Sales

Flange Joint Alignment

Jammed bolts because due to a flange mis-alignment.
Bolts are jammed due to a misalignment

Why It Matters?


Flange joints are a critical component in piping systems, providing a method for connecting pipes, valves, & other equipment, and ensure a tight seal.

The ASME Piping Code B31.3 (1999 Edition) 335.1.1 9 (c)


Flange Mis-Alignment on a 56" Flange Joint Connection.
56″ Flange Mis-Alignment


 This code specifies the following Flange Joint Misalignment Tolerances:
Proper alignment of flange joints is essential to maintain the integrity of the connection and prevent leaks.
  • The maximum for lateral or center-line offset is 1.5 mm or less than 1/16”.
  • For rotational misalignment the Piping code specifies that it be a maximum 3 mm or less than 1/8”.
The above tolerances refers to pipe work being connected to pumps, rotating equipment & pressure vessels.
Field workers using inefficient tools to fix a flange mis alignment.
Field workers using inefficient tools to fix a flange mis alignment.

Flange Joints & The Role of Alignment Tools


Alignment Tools aligning a 56" Flange on Top of Reactor Head.
Alignment Tools Aligning a 56″ Flange

Understanding the function and importance of flange joints and the role of alignment tools is crucial for anyone involved in the construction, commissioning, or maintenance of piping systems. These tools are not just a means to an end but a guarantee of safety, efficiency, and reliability in industrial operations. Flange joints are a critical component in various piping systems, providing a method for connecting pipes, valves, pumps, and other equipment. They ensure a tight seal and facilitate the assembly and disassembly of piping systems for maintenance or repair. 

Originally, the technology needed did not exist. Previously, craftsmen adapted rigging tools used in similar heavy industrial operations for the task of manipulating piping and flanges.  However, as technology improves, and safety becomes more critical, the tooling presented by ESI, are becoming the standard.

Alignment tools play a pivotal role in the installation and maintenance of flange joints. These tools help in adjusting the position of the flanges to ensure they are perfectly aligned before the bolts are tightened. 

Customer Testimonial in BIC Magazine
Customer Testimonial Published in BIC Magazine

Types of Applications & Mis-Alignments

Tranditional Flange Alignment Tools vrs Bolt Hole Flange Alignment Tools
Tranditional Flange Alignment Tools vrs Bolt Hole Flange Alignment Tools
Leaks in Flanges from Mis-Alignments
Leaks in Flanges from Mis-Alignments

The use of alignment tools is not limited to new installations; they are also invaluable during maintenance activities such as valve changeouts, shutdowns, or outages, where flanges may need realignment after being disturbed. By ensuring proper alignment, these tools help to extend the life of the piping system, reduce downtime, and enhance safety by preventing leaks and potential failures.


Mechanical Flange Alignment Tool – 4 Ton
Hydraulic Flange Alignment Tool – 9 Ton
Mechanical Flange Alignment tool on a flange
Mechanical Flange Alignment tool on a flange
Flange Alignment tool with worker on a flange.
Hydraulic Flange Alignment tool on a flange.

There are two main types of flange alignment tools: mechanical and hydraulic. Mechanical tools use physical force to adjust the flanges, while hydraulic tools use fluid power for alignment. The choice between the two depends on the bolt hole size and pressure class of the flanges being aligned.


Lateral misalignment can occur at any point around the flange joint circumference

Lateral Mis-Alignment Tolerance
Lateral Mis-Alignment Tolerance

Rotational misalignment is when the axis of the flanges align but the bolt holes are not. They are occasionally found when the flanges have been poorly fabricated or there are other forces acting on the flange joint such as overhang weight (relaxed state) or pipe work configuration

Rotational Mis-Aligned Tolerance
Rotational Mis-Aligned Tolerance

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